IQ tests tell you what you can do. Personality tests tell you what you want to do… the Kolbe A™ Index measures what you WILL or WON’T do. This quick and easy 36-question instrument gives you greater understanding of your own natural instincts and allows you to begin the process of maximizing your potential.
Finding a career that matches your instinctive talents offers you the freedom to be yourself. The Kolbe B™ Index is a quick and easy 24-question instrument that measures the functional demands of your current position. The results help you understand which of your talents will be a natural fit for the job.
What do you really look for in a relationship? Do you want your date to plan the evening from start to finish or do you like to “fly by the seat of your pants”? Do you wonder why you are impatient when your Uncle insists on the same Thanksgiving dinner every year? … The Kolbe R™ Index, a 36-question instrument, will reveal the instinctive being you are looking for … in a friend, a spouse, a family member, a coworker … instantly!
Kolbe Indexes are fun and easy to complete online in less than 20 minutes. They are different from other self assessments because they don’t measure how smart you are (thinking) or what your personality is like (feeling). Rather, Kolbe Indexes measure how you naturally DO things.