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Human Resource Compliance Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

Human Resource Compliance Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

Human Resource Compliance Mistakes…Every company—big or small—has its own work ethics and culture. It’s become normal for businesses to focus so much on daily operations and problems that they forget about the importance of providing a safe environment for employees to work in. The role of HR isn’t just to make sure everyone gets paid on time or recruit talent. It’s also to ensure that the company’s policies are followed by every employee—including the management. But with great policies come great responsibilities. Using the wrong tools to implement company compliances can lead to your downfall. Make sure you’re not making these HR compliance mistakes:

Recruiting Employees without a License

When hiring employees, there’s no doubt that experience plays an important role. But if your employees don’t have a license or the qualifications to do their job, it can jeopardize your company’s success. So many businesses make this mistake because they want to cut back on costs. But this is actually a costly mistake. Take the Tylenol scandal as an example. In 1982, several people died from consuming Tylenol laced with cyanide. The bottles were recalled but Johnson & Johnson had to revise its policies when it came to hiring employees. Let’s say you operate a children’s hospital and hire an RN with an expired license. You’re putting your patients’ lives in danger because medical practitioners need to renew their license and retake important exams.

Not Having a Termination Policy

It’s understandable that you’re short of staff but not having a proper termination policy can make it difficult for others to work with you. This will also ruin your company’s reputation as no one will want to work in a stressful, challenging environment. For example: if an employee complains about constant sexual harassment, the matter should be addressed immediately. Your employees should feel safe working for you and it’s your responsibility to create a stress-free environment. An HR department can help you achieve that and much more. These are just a few of the many ways human resources play an important role in an organization. As an HR consultancy firmHR Business Partners offers comprehensive resources, guidelines, and solutions to businesses across Minneapolis. If you’re looking to hire a part-time HR firm, feel free to get in touch with us!2018-12-06 17:11:17