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The Dos and Don’ts of Performance Reviews

The Dos and Don’ts of Performance Reviews

Don’ts of Performance Reviews …We’ve all walked out of performance reviews feeling like they’re a waste of time. Even though the purpose of performance reviews is to increase productivity, poorly constructed reviews often end up doing the exact opposite. Outdated methods of conducting performance reviews usually end up doing more harm than good. Instead of motivating employees, they lower morale and build resentment between management and their subordinates. So what’s wrong with the way organizations handle performance reviews? Let’s take a look at some of the dos and don’ts:

Don’t Use One-Way Performance Reviews

One-way performance reviews refer to a single manager evaluating the performance of their subordinates; it’s basically when the boss serves as the judge. There are all sorts of reasons as to why a boss may have a biased opinion of someone; very rarely would such a review be completely objective. Knowing that this manager has a personal bias against them has a direct impact on employee motivation.

Do Use 360 Reviews

A better alternative to one-way performance reviews is the 360 approach. In such performance reviews, an employee’s performance isn’t just judged by their boss but also their peers and themselves. Employees have the opportunity to self-reflect and make a case for themselves.

Don’t Combine Monetary Compensation and Employee Development

Many organizations are unclear about the purpose of performance reviews. They claim that performance reviews are to do with employment development; at the same time they use the employee’s performance to determine raises and bonuses. There’s nothing wrong with using performance reviews to determine raises but if that’s what you want to do, then don’t discuss employee development in the same meetings. The problem with combining money and employment development in the same review is that your staff will only pay attention to the raises—everything else will go out the other ear.

Do Schedule Performance Reviews in Advance and Let Employees Know

If you’re not publicizing upcoming performance reviews well in advance, you’re doing them wrong. An employee’s performance can decline for a number of reasons; however, letting them know that performance reviews are around the corner will encourage them to focus and push themselves harder.

Don’t Be Vague

If managers are unclear in their feedback then performance reviews are in fact a waste of time. Managers should present employees with facts and backup all the claims they make in performance review meetings.

Do Document Everything

In the business world, if it’s not on paper it doesn’t exist! Managers should be clear about what they want from their employees; they should be able to provide them with a bulleted list of current issues they’re facing and objectives for the future. Not sure how to carry out performance reviews? We can conduct them for you! HR Business Partners offers comprehensive human resource services such as designing of employee handbooks, performance reviews, recruitment and management of employee benefits for organizations of all sizes in Minneapolis. Contact us to learn more about our services.